April 27, 1972 – James D. Rielly Awarded Citation

James D Rielly Awarded Citation

Throughout his career, Jim Rielly received numerous letters of recognition from celebrities and dignitaries. We came across this announcement in the archives of the Bristol Phoenix. From the April 27, 1972 issue of the Bristol Phoenix.

James D. Rielly Awarded Citation
James D. Rielly well known for his roles as Santa Claus and Charlie Weaver was the recipient of an official citation from the Rhode Island House of Representatives last week.

The citation, proposed by Rep Gaetano Parella, and signed by the Speaker of House and the Secretary of State, offers sincere congratulations to Mr. Rielly and is awarded “in recognition of his bringing joy and laughter to the sick, retarded and elderly.

What is the meaning behind the James D. Rielly Foundation logo?

James D. Rielly Foundation

The “mark” in the James D. Rielly Foundation logo is a four leaf clover. According to Irish folklore, the four leaves of the clover represent: hope, faith, love, and luck.

James D. Rielly Foundation mark

The clover represents the immense pride Jim Rielly had for his Irish heritage. Jim would often jokingly refer to himself as the Visible President of the Leprechauns.

The shade of green in the clover is the same green in the flag of Ireland.

Each leaf in the clover is in the shape of a heart. The single red leaf (or heart) represents the love Jim Rielly had for his country, the community, and the less fortunate.

The red also symbolizes Jim Rielly’s role as Santa Claus and his love for all children.


Lastly, the single red leaf among the three green leaves, represents Michael Rielly’s Italian and Irish heritage and the continuing of his grandfather’s legacy as Santa Claus.

The Gift This of Santa: Himself

As we continue to go through our archives of past news articles on Jim Rielly, we will post them here. Yesterday, we came across this article from a December 1957 issue of the Providence Journal-Bulletin.

Providence Journal-Bulletin

The Real Santa in Bristol County is (ssshhhh) James D. Rielly

To become Santa Claus takes more than a white beard, red suit and sack full of gifts; the real Santa Chars must have an honest love for his fellow men. In Bristol you will find a real Santa Claus.

About 30 years ago, James D. Rielly stuffed his first pair of red trousers with the pillows to acquire the portliness of Santa. Time and appetite have eliminated the need for pillows, but the month of December still finds Mr. Rielly standing in red trousers.

Mr. Rielly buys very few of the gifts he passes out during the Christmas season. The real Santa Claus depends on others to provide the gift-wrapped parcels that are found beneath the Christmas tree. All Jim Rielly provides is that unnamed thing that helps an oldtimer recall a warm and happy memory of times past, or the nervous smile of delight that floods a youngster’s face when confronted by Santa Claus.

This is what the real Santa Claus gives at Christmas-time. Jim Rielly gives of himself at Christmas. The sack slung over his shoulder is always overflowing with good cheer. Whether he is stopping at a lonely lighthouse or at a party for shut-ins or at a children’s party, his eyes twinkle brightly as he peers over the tops of his silver rimmed spectacles.

His suit was tailored by a friend; his boots, spectacles and even the fur trim that edges his jacket were gifts. His beard was a Christmas present from his wife.

When asked why, Jim Rielly will tell you he becomes Santa Claus at Christmastime because it is the best thing he can give. You won’t find Jim Rielly enthroned in a department store, but you will find a Jim Rielly in the true spirit of Christmas.

For Jim Rielly gives the best thing he can at Christmas. He gives himself.

What are your memories of Jim Rielly? Please share them. We would love to hear from you!

Found: A 700-Year-Old Ring Adorned With St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas ring
During the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for wearers to don multiple rings, each signaling a different aspect of identity, from social class to political affiliation.

Last month, Dekel Ben-Shitrit, a 26-year-old gardener, found a 700-year-old bronze ring bearing an engraved image of St. Nicholas. The ring was studied by Dr. Yana Tchekhanovetz, an expert in Byzantine history at the Israel Antiquities Authority.

“This special ring is amazingly well preserved and will contribute a great deal to science,” she explained, in a statement. “On the ring is the image of a bald man with a staff next to him. On preliminary examination, this seems to be St. Nicholas holding a bishop’s crook – his hallmark.”

Christian pilgrims to the Land of Israel from all over the Byzantine Empire (Turkey, the Balkans, Greece and present-day Russia) would carry his icon to protect them from harm. It is probable that the ring belonged to a pilgrim who sought the protection of St. Nicholas on his travels.

Local St. Nick Asks Bristolians Play Host to GIs

We found this while going through the archives at the Bristol Phoenix. From the December 9, 1952 edition of the Bristol Phoenix:

For servicemen away from home at Christmas, James D. Rielly today made an appeal. He would like to see Bristol families who will have an empty place at their Christmas table, invite some lonesome servicemen and make him feel at home although he may be miles away from it.
Bristol Phoenix

We continue Jim Rielly’s work today by working closely with local veterans and military family support groups in our community.

Learn more about our foundation and how you can help!

U.S. Senate: James D. Rielly – A Truly Remarkable Santa Claus

On January 31, 1979 — thirty-nine (39) years ago today, Senator Claiborne Pell entered Jim Rielly’s name to the United States Congressional Record.

In 1979, Jim Rielly was celebrating 51 years of donning the Red Suit. Jim went on to portray the Jolly Old Elf for the next 12 years, making him the longest running Santa Claus to date.

Mr. President, before the pleasures and memories of the recent holiday season slip our minds completely, I would like to share with my colleagues a tribute to a truly remarkable “Santa Claus” from Rhode Island.

I am referring to Mr. James D. Rielly of Bristol, R.I. This past holiday period marks the 51st year in which Jim Rielly has donned red suit and white whiskers and with a large bag of goodies has visited hospitals, senior centers, and children’s centers throughout the East Bay area of Rhode Island.

His is a particularly effective and welcome presentation of Saint Nicholas because Jim Rielly is himself the personification of the spirit of cheerful, selfless giving of oneself for the benefit of others.

I am proud to be among the many thousands of Rhode Islanders who claim to be good friends of Jim Rielly, and I join all of those friends in the mutual hope that Jim will be bringing his special brand of seasonal joy to Rhode Island for many years more years.

U.S. Congressional Record 1979

In 2010, Jim Rielly was entered into the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame in recognition of his extraordinary selflessness and kindness, and his contribution to the Santa Claus community.

International Santa Claus Hall of Fame

James D. Rielly Foundation

James D. Rielly – Inducted into the International Santa Claus Hall of Fame – Charter Member 2010 Inaugural Class.

“A Truly Remarkable Santa Claus from Rhode Island”
Bristol, Rhode Island
1908 – 1991

International Santa Claus Hall of Fame Charter Member – December 2010

James D. “Jimmy” Rielly’s career as Rhode Island’s most recognizable Santa Claus spanned over 60 years. He began his Santa Claus career in 1927 at the age of 19 at an abandoned chicken coop where several underprivileged children had made their home.
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